1 Coleman Street #04-24
The Adephi Singapore 179803
Tel: 65-68831038
Email: enquiry@yshealthcare.com

MediaCorp Boby SOS小毛病大问题

Body SOS S11 EP 5 Uterine Fibroids / 子宫肌瘤

About 20% of women in Singapore have uterine fibroids. 1.Is Hemorrhoids a symptom of fibroids? 2. Does daily soymilk consumption contribute to fibroid growth? 3. Can untreated fibroids cause cancer?
在新加坡,平均每4 到5名女性就有一人患有子宫肌瘤。子宫小姐要告她的主人:1. 长痔疮是子宫肌瘤的症状?2. 每天喝豆浆会导致子宫肌瘤变大?3. 子宫肌瘤不切除,严重时会演变成癌症?

Body SOS S10 EP 13 Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) / 睡眠窒息症患者

In every 10 Singaporean, there is 1 Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) patient with serious condition. 1. Is urinate more often during the night a symptom of OSA? 2. Are women after menopause easier to get OSA? 3. Could OSA cured by eating medicine?
每10个新加坡人当中就有1个严重睡眠窒息症患者。上呼吸道小姐有什么控诉呢?1. 夜尿增多是睡眠窒息症的症状?2. 女性在更年期后更易患上睡眠窒息症?3. 吃药能治愈睡眠窒息症?

Body SOS S9 EP 3 Acute Appendicitis / 急性阑尾炎

Approximately6-8% of people will have acute appendicitis in their lifetime ! This episode, we will find out: 1.Is vomiting a symptom of appendicitis ? 2.Will exercising immediately after meal cause appendicitis ? 3.Can appendicitis be treated with antibiotics ?
阑尾炎,也就是的俗称盲肠炎;据估,6-8% 的人一生中会患急性盲肠炎!今天的控状是: 1.呕吐 是盲肠炎的症状?2.饭后运动,会导致盲肠炎?3.抗生素 能治盲肠炎?

Body SOS S8 EP 11 Urinary Incontinence Problems / 尿失禁

About 40-45% of women over the age of 50 in Singapore have urinary incontinence problems ! What are the causes ? Holding urine ? Obesity ? Are these the causes of urinary incontinence ? How to treat and prevent from both western and TCM point of view ?
本地50岁以上妇女当中,大约40-45% 人有尿失禁的问题!到底哪些原因会造成尿失禁?憋尿?肥胖会导致尿失禁吗?中西医有什么治疗和预防的方法呢?

Body SOS S8 EP 2 Obesity / 肥胖问题

Let's understand more about obesity ! The obesity rate in Singapore is about 11%, what qualifies someone as obese ? What are the causes of obesity esp for women ? How do we avoid hidden calories from local delights ? What are TCM and medical solutions for obesity and weight loss ? What is laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy ? A mummy who underwent this surgery will appear in this episode with her daughter to share her experience with us !

Body SOS S7 EP 33 Hair Loss / 脱发

Are you troubled by hair loss ? What causes hair loss ? What are the nutrients and foods that help protect your hair ? How do TCM physicians think about this problem ? She will teach us to do a homemade hair restorer and acupressure !

Body SOS S7 EP 19 Fatty Liver / 脂肪肝

More people are succumbing to fatty liver in Singapore ! It is a growing concern in many developed countries ! What are the risk factors ? If left untreated, can fatty liver progress to more advanced liver disease such as liver cirrhosis and liver cancer ? How does TCM see and treat this problem ? What is the best and healthy diet to prevent fatty liver ?

Body SOS S7 EP 1 Diabetics 糖尿病

By 2050, Singapore may have as many as one million diabetics. Of the adult population, 15 per cent will suffer from the disease, compared with 11.3 per cent now ! Who is most at risk for type 2 diabetes ? How does TCM treat diabetes ? Do you know what is Glycemic index and Glycemic Load ? What are the complications of uncontrolled diabetes ? How can we prevent diabetes ?

Body SOS S4 EP 17 Irritable Bowel Syndrowe part 2 / 肠易激综合征 下集

There are 3 types of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Diarrhea-predominant, Constipation-predominant, and alternating constipation and diarrhea.

Body SOS S4 EP 16 Irritable Bowel Syndrowe part 1 / 肠易激综合征 上集

Do you know what an Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is? It is a disorder that affects the intestines, causing some commonly seen symptoms such as abdominal pain, distention and diarrhea. Learn more about this syndrome and find out the IBS diets.

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